The theme for today's ride is the march of the penguins. The post will be a day late, tomorrow which is an easy day to be followed Tuesday by a rest day in Boise ID. I should have more time then. ...Later on Monday........ I made it to Boise and Tuesday is a day off so I am going to try to catch up.

As I started to say, the theme for Sunday was the march of the penguins. First after what is typically a large catered breakfast at 6 AM we load and depart at 7 AM (earlier on a big climb or a long 100+ mile day). This is my worst time of day. I am not very good at having to not only pack up everything that I want in the truck, but remember everything I will need for a days riding. Here we are like penguins, loading up. I usually will go back for a 2nd cup of coffee or some final adjustments back in the room before being among the last if not the last to leave.

This is a gathering of penguins at a SAG short for (support and gear) stop along I 84 in eastern Oregon. Out here sometimes we have to go short distances on the interstate, which is legal. Sunday we covered about 85 miles mostly downhill out of the Cascades through very dry terrain to the Snake River and then along the river into Ontario Oregon. It became mostly agricultural with water from the river for irrigation.
And here some Penguins, following each other as they are want to do, took a wrong turn onto a highway and had to climb through and hand their bicycles over a barbed wire fence.
Here a lone penguin (me) is heading off into certain danger.
That is all for now. Tomorrow I will report on today's short "wind down" ride but interesting 60 miles, into Idaho and a rest day in Boise.
Welcome to Idaho! You have made it through one state and just have a few more to go!