Now for my adventure leaving Mitchell on the way to Sioux Falls. This was to be, what is now a relatively easy, flat 72 mile ride, aalthough it was going to be very, very hot. Well, remember those farmers I said I had met and chatted up going into Mitchell? Four really nice guys who told me all about their crops and life on the farm. When they asked about my group of friends, dressed up in brightly colored spandex and out in the hot hot sun, I could only explain it by saying we were "city folk" (which by and large we all are), who were looking for a little piece of what they had .... that is, compete freedom, peace and quiet and solitude in a very big wide open land. This they understood. When I asked how we could get more of what they had, their answer was unanimous and simple. Stay out of the mid-day sun and sleep out in a haystack under the stars. They told stories about youthful, all night rolls in the hay and watching the sun go down and the stars come out. They said that the haystacks were warm buy never cold and as dry as it has been, mosquito and insect free.
Well you can guess the rest. I went AWAL after dinner. I enlisted Charlie to load my bags in the morning and sign me in. I had the next days route sheet and headed out about 10 miles out of town until I found a wide open field with rolled up hay.
This is where I spent the night. I had an old sheet and a pillow case from the hotel and a sandwich for the morning. I slept like a log!!! |
My view where I watched the sun go down and the stars come out. |
I was very comfortable and after a good nights sleep I resumed the ride way and signed into the first SAG stop ahead of everyone.
This was a picture with my shadow taken of a similar line of haystacks as the sun was coming up. |
All in all it was a great adventure that I am sure will be repeated. Today on the off day in Sioux Falls, SD, I visited a sporting goods store and picked up a light weight ground pad, a hammock and an outdoor bedroll. This will give me more comfort and expand my options as I head east and might have to deal with insects.
I am not really into camping, but this will work. I finish the days ride before it gets hot ..... swim in the river ..... check into the hotel and have a nice shower and maybe a nap, a cold beer and dinner ..... then when it cools off, as the sun goes down, ride a few more easy miles and sleep under the stars. I get to wake up as the sun comes up and do it all over again.
Nature boy - you are going off the charts!!!