After a rousing send off from the Stockbridge coffee shop a little later than I wanted I headed off. The trip began on a cold 28F overcast day with snow. They were not reall flakes but more like frozen pellets, not a problem since they didn't stick to the road. But it was cold with no sun and the wind was from the south into my face.
I made good time through Great Barrington, South Egremont and down Rt 41 into CT in Salisbury, where I made a stop to eat around 11AM. The weather got better with peaks of the sun as I went through Sharon, CT but the wind now from the south west was relentless.
A rest stop in mid day.
After Amenia, NY I had a relatively big climb and with the sun out occasionally it got warm. Then there was a nice rolling decent into the Hudson River valley and into Hyde Park, NY, home of Franklin Roosevelt.
Since my warm showers hosts cancelled me at the last minute I checked into the Roosevelt motel and ate the senior special chicken Parmesan at the Roosevelt diner down the road.
This is very typical rural Dutchess county NY, rolling hills with farms and unfortunately still patches of snow.
Alan---Bon Voyage! I hope you are able to post pictures soon and that you have a wonderful trip to the warm, sunny, and culinarily rich south. I look forward to reading about your adventures. And good for you---getting the senior discount.