Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sunday Wilmington to North Myrtle Beach SC

After a great nights sleep thanks to Nick's fine selection of secure accommodations we headed across the street and enjoyed a fine cup of Starbucks coffee al fresco on their comfortable patio.

Here is Nick in his sporty wool,outfit stil stylish in the south and all acquired at the Talbot center for recycled goods in Stockbridge. 

...... And we headed south reward theSC boarder.

Now we were away from the beaches and passed inland crossing over the intercostal waterway, which always I tailed a high bridge. 

Soon to leave the state of NC we could not resist another ferry ride provided free by the NCDOT. These ferries are great for themselves but even better because they take us to deserted roads in out of the way places and on the ride we gwe a chance to rest while traveling and best of all meet other travelers. 

View from the ferry

Shortly after our 7th boat ride of the trip we passed through the cute small town of Southport.

.......and proceeded on down the road, seeing spring time in full bloom.

Nick began to scout out a place to sleep.

.....no .... too populated in his small pup tent we might be seen ...... 

....... not for me the ground was wet .... It was a swamp .... With mosquitoes and who knew what else.

First some provisions for dinner you can never have too much lard.

I kept telling Nick that "we could do better". Then finally a spot fit for a king.

But after seeing some ominous ant hills around the site, I made a strategic decision and decided to move on toward SC and Myrtle Beach. 

There I found a nice Hampton Inn with a pool and an outback steak house where I had a tall draft bear and the biggest steak they had to ofer.

Needless to say I slept well.

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