Monday, May 16, 2016

Saturday 5/14/16 A rainy day to Astoria and Sunday 5/15/16 to Cannon beach

Saturday - The ride from camping in Twin Harbors to Astoria was a long day that I posted from my Hotel in Astoria. But some how got deleted from the blog. Not sure how but it was a long day and ended with a harrowing ride when exhausted I had to cross he mouth of the Puget Sound on this 3 1/2 mile bridge. 

No picture of the road because it was narrow with about a 12 wide shoulder foe a bicycle between traffic and the railing to ride.

I checked into the same Holiday Inn I had stayed in in 2012 when I began with America By Bicycle my Pacific to Atlantic cross country ride. Astoria is an old sort of down and out old lumber town but I had a nice dinner and slept well in a bed with sheets for the first night in 4 days.

This is something I wrote for the morning, when I leftTwin Harbors but the posting has gotten screwed up because of my incompetence in using this IPad ..........

Sure enough I woke in the morning to a steady rain. I was dry and cozy in my little tent and slept awhile longer and talked on the phone to my sweetheart at home. After about an hour the rain slowed to a misty drizzle and I packed up and headed out.

It was a gray cloudy day but the rain let up. 

The road hugged the shoreline and was fortunately flat, with a nice tailwind. 

Often I could get off of he main Roure 101 my mainstay but sometimes the old highway disappeared .....ominous signs of Climate change!!!

Very confusing cronologically ......This is now Sunday.....I am not very good on the blog with this iPad

The views were stunning. And at the end of the day I was exhausted after about 80 miles when in the quaint village of Cannon Beach I saw just the place for me.....

A Inn that fashioned itself after a New England country inn. Just like home.

I stopped in and the owners were thrilled to have someone from New England and when they saw I was from Stockbridge asked if I knew the Red Lion Inn which they said was the model for their place.

I lied a little and told them how just like the Red Lion in Stockbridge it was. 

But my little room had a gas fired Vermont Castings stove and it was perfect for drying out my things from a wet day.

I saw this historic plac on the beach about the Oregon beaches being free to everyone with no private ownership allowed by State enactment in 1912. Bernie who did the same thing in Burlington VT would be proud. The eastern state of CT could learn something where 90% of their shore line is privately owned.

After a beautiful sunset and a great dinner.... was jammie time and I hit the hay.

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