Saturday, June 16, 2012

The farewell bash was a blast. Sarah was a good sport about the surprise. And enjoyed all of our friends who came and enjoyed the limited but delicious menu of pizza, beer and red wine. I think I was forgiven by the fact that when serving, her father Bobby handed out napkins with the pizza; or were they just paper towels from the roll? At any rate the gathering was a huge success and best of all the Vin Fleurie wine from France was given rave reviews by some of the most educated pallets in Berkshire County who be forming a syndicate to import.

Thanks to all who came and especially best and oldest friend Chico who bailed me out cooking the pizza.


  1. Vin Fleurie!
    Bon voyage...

  2. Hey Alan! Is it cool to write comments here? I see that the only other comment is from Sarah. But ... very excited for you! I hope you will post pics of your adventure, eat and drink good things, feel the wind in your face and come back to the Berks safely. Looking forward to it. Vaya con dios! David Fromm

  3. Great party! Thanks......On to other posts!!!
    Jeannie and Peter
