Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tuesday 5/17/16 another Sunny day to Newport Oregon

I am back to write some commentary for the photos I posted the other day. But since the pictures speak for themselves I want write so that I don't forget about some of the people I meet while on the road. Being an old gray beard on a bicycle I definitely attract attention and empathy. 

I need to stop often foe food and water and I have developed a knack for finding the coffee shops and eating joints where the locals hang out. 

I chatted up at breakfast these guys who definitely put my meager beard to shame. The guy on the right had not shaved since he left the army. He served in Vietnam. Once it got so long that it was down to his waist and he would let it fly out the truck window. They told some harrowing stories about serving during Vietnam.

This was a bypass off the main highway route.

The lush green deep woods were incredible 

Then all of a sudden the road would pop out with a view of the Pacafic.

The old coastal route had many small old bridges from when the coastal highway was first built back in the 1930's.

These guys were actually down on those rocks fishing. When a big wave crashed in it would smash into the fissures in the rock cliff and shoot up like a guiser.

Much of the time I was off the new highway on the old route and there was no traffic.

In southern Oregon there was a long section of coast where there were huge sand dunes. This photo does not capture the scope and size but they rivaled anything on Cape Cod.

Most of the beautiful old bridges were built during the depression in the 30's. Maybe there is a lesson there for today about investing in infrastructure when people need work and something productive to do.

Around every corner more great scenery.

Some of the huge guisers when the waves crashed in.

I looked for light houses whenever I could find them.

Hannah my serfing daughter would love these waves.......and this was when it wasn't even stormy.

At the end of the day I was on the lookout for dinner because I planned to camp out at a State park on the beach. I frond this China Dinner place and got a delicious Kung pow chicken to go with extra rice. I ate it on the beach after I set up my tent.

......and watched the sun set before going to bed early.

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