Saturday, July 7, 2012

The 106 mile ride to Lusk Wyoming today was approached with some trepidation after the pounding we took on the ride into Casper last Thursday before the rest day. But thanks to an early start, temperatures starting at 55 and only climbing to only about 80 and a relatively calm wind, the ride was a breeze. It is really beginning to say something about the entire flock of penguins when universally a 106 mile century ride with an abundance of rolling hills can be a comfortable ride. The scenery was very interesting though not spectacular, with lots of prairie and open range with distant buttes. We saw some bison and antelope.

It is late now and I will not have time to post any pictures tonight. Today is a very big day in Lusk, Wyoming with a parade a big square dance and the annual "Legend of Rawhide" reenactment at the county fairgrounds. Several of us went across the street to join a crowd of at least 600 to 800 people for the community performance. With a cast of probably 100 people and at least 40 horses and 10 covered wagons they reenacted an old legend with a cavalry, a wagon train under attack by 30 or so yelling locals dressed up as Indians (yes native Americans are still openly referred to as savages and Indians in Wyoming) it was quite a show. The pageantry and horsemanship and the glimpse of what life must have been like when the territory was settled was interesting although the plot certainly lacked any sensitivity and respect for the native Americans portrayed and was told strictly in a prejudiced white viewpoint.

Tomorrow will be, what is becoming a routine 91 mile ride. And with an early start I should have more time after arrival in Hot Springs, South Dakota for a longer post with some pictures.

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