Thursday, July 26, 2012

Two more long Michigan days have brought us to Port Huron. Yesterday was one of those days I had been warned about, a day when you have "wooden legs". The 113 mile ride on Tuesday had taken more out of me than I realized. I my effort to remind the people up front that I could easily ride with them if I wanted to, I had extended myself more than I realized. Also with having lost much of my once voracious appetite at one too many "feed bag buffet" lines; on Wednesday I was out of gas from the start. I spent the day dwadaling around in the middle of the pack, and stopping for a nice big burger and a piece of pie at lunch. Sorry for not posting last night because when I got to the motel and had another buffet dinner, exhausted, I went to bed at 7:30 and slept right through until 6:30 this morning.

Following are some interesting pictures of the Michigan landscape and then I will follow with today's ride beginning with a rain delay and ending with what could be the beginning of some very intriguing drama within the ranks of the penguins. I may be at the helm of a mutiny that is mounting against the ABB commander.

Central Michigan is mostly flat but green and with a large number of wind mills.

More corn .... it's everywhere
Today, Thursday began with heavy down pour and thunderstorms. At breakfast we were told that there would be a one hour delay to the previously announced orders for a 6:00 AM breakfast and a 7:00 AM departure. And instead of Mike Monk (M squared, or M&M) the ex Air Force commander who is normally in command, we were being led by his 2nd in command; Minnesota, mellow Jeff. Apparently M&M after having broken his ankle way back in Idaho was now down with a mysterious influenza and not to be seen. Now ..... there are a few, among my few readers, who know me well enough, to know of my issues with authority figures. And some careful readers might have detected some bristling on my part at the military way in which the trip is often commanded. But I will let events unfold on their own, but clearly something is unfolding with the leadership of the penguin troops.

More insight will follow as things unfold and I have more time to elaborate, but right now I need some rest.

A picture of beautiful Lake Huron and my swimming spot for today. And a beautiful lake side marsh.


  1. DRAMA!!!!
    Keep it cool - focus on the bike and think great food when we are all in Maine!!!!

  2. For the love of God listen to Prudy!!

  3. Eyes on the prize - the finish!


  4. Stockbridge to Alan. Stockbridge to Alan. Come in Alan. It is Sunday and we haven't heard from you since Thursday when you were contemplating sedition or insurrection or rebellion or whatever. Are you still alive? Are you still a penguin? Your blog here has gone radio silent---or blog silent. So I'm just wondering how you are and how the final leg of the journey is going. You are an amazing man for undertaking this! Stay strong brother.
