Sunday, July 14, 2013

My last day in Espania

I woke early today after a great nights sleep. The same could not be said for the town of Markina which was very hung over after an all night party. There were still some youths drinking beer at a bar in the town square when I got up, and the town clean up crew was sweeping and washing the streets.

I headed out on my way down the valley again to the coast.

La fountains del pueblo por la mañana 

Back to the coast.

It was another cool very comfortable day and since it was a Saturday and a beautiful ride along the coast up to San Sebastián the road was packed with cyclists.

And again beautiful views and beaches.

I also made a great break through today, and discovered for food that after my morning coffee, with a stop at one of the many markets I could buy some fresh fruit, bread, cheese and sausage for the day and eat whenever as I got hungry during the day. The peaches, plumbs, cherries, and nectarines are in  season and delicious.
As I got closer to San Sabastian I opted for a climb up a mountain slong the coast and through some farm country and a park before going down and into the city.

This guy didn't scare me in spite of the photos on TV in every bar of people being trampled by bulls in Pamplona.

It was a great ride and I was just letting the day come to me and when I stopped for water in a picnic area and a little dog came over, I made a friend.

It turned out he was the dog of a young couple who were finishing dinner and offered me som delicious tacos they had left .Turns out she was Mexican and spoke some English and he was Spanish we had a very nice chat. All of the good carma I had gathered picking up litter along the way came back to me.

Mis nuevos amigos del dia.

The day ended with easily finding an albergue in town, i ran across a guy who had just spent half the day finding where it was hidden and took me there. It was very full and in a big 1970's catholic school. It reminded me of what I imagine it would be like to stay at Kripaulu. I met some nice people and had dinner with 2 nice ladies, one a therapist from Denmark heading home after 14 days hiking el Camino and another a writer/teacher from Toulouse France just 2 days in on a 3 week journey, both spoke English and I got some good insight on what lay ahead.

The albergue was run by a guy that reminded me so much of our dear friend Ed Treitler. The door was locked at 10 o'clock and lights out at 10:15.

Another great day ..... Tomorrow a Francia.

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